Dear Reverend Fathers, As the fires in Los Angeles County continue to bring devastation, tragedy, and loss to our families, friends, and neighbors, we in the Diocese of Orange stand united in prayer for all those affected. We pray for the repose of the souls who have...
Throughout the month of November we will be praying for all the faithful departed and for all their loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes are available in the Office or on the table at the entrance of the Church. You may also bring your pictures to put on the...
During the month of October we will be counting all the parishioners who attend Mass. This information is requested by The Diocese of Orange annually. Thank you.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the minis-tries and volunteers who help us in the Dedication of the Marian Shrine day. May the Lord, through the inter-cession of the Lady of La Vang, bless you and your family.
October 6, 2024 we will begin our Diocese’s 30th Walking with Moms Campaign. You are asked to donate your coins and dollars to support the shel-ters, clinics, and life-affirming centers that provide immediate and long-term care to women, men, and families in...