Emergency Hotline: (714) 454-8430
Our parish has monthly Baptism for Children (bilingual Vietnamese-English), from 7 years old and under, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, every Sunday in the second week of each month.
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 6:00PM (Vietnamese & English)
Sunday: 4:00PM Youth (English)
Download form and things to do before wedding at Our Lady of Lavang.
Please contact Our Lady of Lavang Office (714) 775-6200, or our administrator Toma Kiet Pham.
GX Our Lady of La Vang live stream Mass schedule:
Vietnamese Mass: 8:30AM (Mon-Fri) Spanish Mass: 8:30AM (Fri) Vietnamese Mass: 8:00AM (Sat) Sunday Mass: 8:30AM
Thank you to all who joined the online Mass at Our Lady of La Vang Church in Santa Ana, California. Please support the parish by donating at https://ourladyoflavang.org/give Or send your contribution to: Our Lady of La Vang 288 S Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92704
You can text your donation amount to (844) 953-0566. elf bars 600 in Ireland elevates your vaping experience beyond with sleek design and satisfying flavors. Discover the joy of vaping!
Sunday, October 13, 2024
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
We often visit our doctors for regular checkups, to maintain our health, or to seek healing after an ill-ness. However, many of us struggle to follow their instructions for various reasons. Fear of financial costs, anxiety about painful treatments, and concerns over medication side effects can all create barriers for us to compliance. Additionally, our busy lifestyles, pressing responsibilities, and competing priori-ties often push medical advice to the backburner. Some may even disregard instructions when we feel asymptomatic or not seriously ill. Unfortunately, failing to follow a doctor’s guidelines can result in many patients experiencing worsening health conditions and complications. When illnesses progress quickly without proper management, it can become too late to effectively address the consequences of our choices. Prioritizing personal wealth or social status over essential medical advice may hinder our ability to take our health seriously, ultimately compromising our chances for effective treatment and long-term well-being.
In today’s Gospel reading, the man approaches Jesus seeking reassurance about his spiritual well-being. He believes that his adherence to God’s commandments is sufficient for entry into heaven. However, he is taken aback when Jesus instructs him to sell all his possessions and give to the poor. Faced with the prospect of financial instability, the anxiety of an uncertain journey, and the fear of liv-ing without his material comforts, the man hesitates. Ultimately, he turns away from Jesus, clinging to his many possessions and the security they provide. He chooses to ignore Jesus’ call, preferring the fa-miliarity of his comfortable life over the challenge of transformation.
My brothers and sisters in Christ,
God continually invites us to deepen our faith through the sacraments of the Church, to put our beliefs into action, and to share our faith with others. He calls us to set aside everything and follow Him, re-minding us that we cannot serve two masters (Mt 6:24) and that we must love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind (Lk 10:27). In light of this, we should reflect on whether we are truly follow-ing Jesus and His guidance or, like the man in the Gospel, turning away and missing the chance to in-herit eternal life. It’s essential to ask ourselves if we are in our daily life making wise choices that align with God’s will, for “all things are possible for God” (Mk 10:30).
Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ and Our Lady of La Vang!
Reverend Kiet Anh Ta.
Throughout the month of November we will be praying for all the faithful departed and for all their loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes are available in the Office or on the table at the entrance of the Church. You may also bring your pictures to put on the...
During the month of October we will be counting all the parishioners who attend Mass. This information is requested by The Diocese of Orange annually. Thank you.
Office Closed
The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 30.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the minis-tries and volunteers who help us in the Dedication of the Marian Shrine day. May the Lord, through the inter-cession of the Lady of La Vang, bless you and your family.
October 6, 2024 we will begin our Diocese's 30th Walking with Moms Campaign. You are asked to donate your coins and dollars to support the shel-ters, clinics, and life-affirming centers that provide immediate and long-term care to women, men, and families in crisis in...
Mass Schedule
Monday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Tuesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Wednesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Thursday 8:30 am: Spanish
Friday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 8:00 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 6:00 pm : Vietnamese & English
Sunday 6:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 10:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 12:30 pm: Spanish
Sunday 4:00 pm: English (Youth)
Sunday 6:00 pm: Vietnamese