Emergency Hotline: (714) 454-8430

Our parish has monthly Baptism for Children (bilingual Vietnamese-English), from 7 years old and under, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, every Sunday in the second week of each month.
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 6:00PM (Vietnamese & English)
Sunday: 4:00PM Youth (English)
Download form and things to do before wedding at Our Lady of Lavang.
Please contact Our Lady of Lavang Office (714) 775-6200, or our administrator Toma Kiet Pham.
GX Our Lady of La Vang live stream Mass schedule:
Vietnamese Mass: 8:30AM (Mon-Fri) Spanish Mass: 8:30AM (Fri) Vietnamese Mass: 8:00AM (Sat) Sunday Mass: 8:30AM
Thank you to all who joined the online Mass at Our Lady of La Vang Church in Santa Ana, California. Please support the parish by donating at https://ourladyoflavang.org/give Or send your contribution to: Our Lady of La Vang 288 S Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92704
You can text your donation amount to (844) 953-0566. elf bars 600 in Ireland elevates your vaping experience beyond with sleek design and satisfying flavors. Discover the joy of vaping!
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!
In the first part of this weekend's Gospel passage, Jesus proclaims that the poor, the hungry, those who mourn, and those who are persecuted or excluded for their faith are blessed. He highlights spiritual pov-erty, a deep hunger for justice, and the courage to endure hardship in the pursuit of righteousness. Offer-ing a countercultural vision of blessing that is not rooted in material treasures, status, or comfort, His teaching flips the script on societal norms and goes against common expectations. This reversal challeng-es the people to focus on what they truly seek in God's Kingdom instead of what they value in the materi-al world.
In contrast, the second part of the Gospel passage presents the "woes" for those who place their trust in earthly wealth and human pleasures. Jesus warns that their comfort in this temporary life may lead them to emptiness in the next. His teaching underscores the transient nature of worldly comforts and the dan-gers of relying solely on material wealth or social status for security and happiness. Ultimately, Jesus calls the people to focus on what lasts in His eternal Kingdom rather than the fleeting pleasures of this world.
Throughout Jesus' teaching in this Gospel passage, we find profound hope that God sees our inner pain when we suffer, offers justice when we are oppressed, and promises ultimate fulfillment when we faith-fully follow Him. We are reminded that God may not always grant us the comforts, prosperity, or success we desire in this life, but He will give us what we need to enter His heavenly Kingdom. Furthermore, Je-sus calls us to embrace a radical form of Christian discipleship, one that aligns our hearts with the values of God's eternal Kingdom. He invites us to reconsider our priorities in religious practices, seek divine grace to satisfy our spiritual hunger, and place our trust in eternal values rather than in fleeting worldly security.
Rather than growing complacent in material blessings, we are urged to use our resources to serve God and others. Our daily lives should reflect the values of the heavenly Kingdom, where the poor are blessed, the hungry are satisfied, and the sorrowful find comfort as Mother Teresa used to say, “In this life we cannot do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”
Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ and Our Lady of La Vang!
Reverend Kiet Anh Ta.
Prayers and Assistance for L.A. Fire Victims
Dear Reverend Fathers, As the fires in Los Angeles County continue to bring devastation, tragedy, and loss to our families, friends, and neighbors, we in the Diocese of Orange stand united in prayer for all those affected. We pray for the repose of the souls who have...
All Saints' Day Vigil Thursday 10/31/2024 7:00PM ‘ All Souls' Day Saturday 11/2/2024 8:00AM Trilingual Mass
Throughout the month of November we will be praying for all the faithful departed and for all their loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes are available in the Office or on the table at the entrance of the Church. You may also bring your pictures to put on the...
During the month of October we will be counting all the parishioners who attend Mass. This information is requested by The Diocese of Orange annually. Thank you.
Office Closed
The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 30.
Mass Schedule
Monday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Tuesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Wednesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Thursday 8:30 am: Spanish
Friday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 8:00 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 6:00 pm : Vietnamese & English
Sunday 6:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 10:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 12:30 pm: Spanish
Sunday 4:00 pm: English (Youth)
Sunday 6:00 pm: Vietnamese