Emergency Hotline: (714) 454-8430
Our parish has monthly Baptism for Children (bilingual Vietnamese-English), from 7 years old and under, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, every Sunday in the second week of each month.
Mass Schedule
Saturday: 6:00PM (Vietnamese & English)
Sunday: 4:00PM Youth (English)
Download form and things to do before wedding at Our Lady of Lavang.
Please contact Our Lady of Lavang Office (714) 775-6200, or our administrator Toma Kiet Pham.
GX Our Lady of La Vang live stream Mass schedule:
Vietnamese Mass: 8:30AM (Mon-Fri) Spanish Mass: 8:30AM (Fri) Vietnamese Mass: 8:00AM (Sat) Sunday Mass: 8:30AM
Thank you to all who joined the online Mass at Our Lady of La Vang Church in Santa Ana, California. Please support the parish by donating at https://ourladyoflavang.org/give Or send your contribution to: Our Lady of La Vang 288 S Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92704
You can text your donation amount to (844) 953-0566. elf bars 600 in Ireland elevates your vaping experience beyond with sleek design and satisfying flavors. Discover the joy of vaping!
Sunday, January 19, 2025
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! This weekend’s Gospel reading recounts the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus begins His public ministry and performs His first miracle by turning water into wine. When the wine runs out, a moment of potential embarrassment for the hosts, Mary turns to Jesus and asks for His help. At first, Jesus responds, “My hour has not yet come,” which might suggest that the time for revealing His sacred identity and divine power has not yet arrived. Yet, in response to His mother’s request and to address the shortage, He performs the miracle. The transformation of water into wine carries profound spiritual significance. In Jewish tradition, wine is a symbol of joy and blessing, and the “best wine” that Jesus provides points to the arrival of the Kingdom of God, where everlasting joy and divine mercy will surpass anything experienced before. This miracle signals the coming of the new covenant, marked by God’s abundant grace.
Through this first miracle at the wedding feast, we learn that Jesus is always attentive to our prayers and cares deeply about our needs, both great and small. He desires to fill our lives with His abundance, providing more than we can imagine. This miracle also invites us to trust in God’s providence, especially in everyday moments and unexpected situations. It encourages us to bring our concerns to to Him and to have faith in His ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
In our daily lives, there are times when we feel like we've "run out of wine" and struggle to find joy. We may face difficult news, unexpected setbacks, or experience moments of deep sorrow. Our relationships with others can sometimes lose their flavor, becoming as tasteless as water. In these moments, we are called to turn to God, share our concerns with Him, and trust in His help. Let us open ourselves to experiencing His mysterious and transformative power, just as Bishop Faustus of Riez beautifully shared in his sermons, “The water in the jars is not less than it was before, but now begins to be what it had not been; so too the law is not destroyed by Christ's coming, but is made better than it was. When the wine fails, new wine is served: the wine of the old covenant was good, but the wine of the new is better. The old covenant, which Jews follow, is exhausted by its letter; the new covenant, which belongs to us, has the savor of life and is filled with grace.” (Sermon 5 on the “Epiphany”).
Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ and Our Lady of La Vang!
Reverend Kiet Anh Ta.
All Saints' Day Vigil Thursday 10/31/2024 7:00PM ‘ All Souls' Day Saturday 11/2/2024 8:00AM Trilingual Mass
Throughout the month of November we will be praying for all the faithful departed and for all their loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes are available in the Office or on the table at the entrance of the Church. You may also bring your pictures to put on the...
During the month of October we will be counting all the parishioners who attend Mass. This information is requested by The Diocese of Orange annually. Thank you.
Office Closed
The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 30.
We would like to express our gratitude to all the minis-tries and volunteers who help us in the Dedication of the Marian Shrine day. May the Lord, through the inter-cession of the Lady of La Vang, bless you and your family.
Mass Schedule
Monday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Tuesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Wednesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Thursday 8:30 am: Spanish
Friday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 8:00 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 6:00 pm : Vietnamese & English
Sunday 6:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 10:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 12:30 pm: Spanish
Sunday 4:00 pm: English (Youth)
Sunday 6:00 pm: Vietnamese