Lenten Season 2019
Statue of Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church
Lenten Season 2019

We will have Reconciliation for Advent on Monday December 16, 2024 at 7PM in three languages.
Please make time to come to receive the sacrament of reconciliation as it is the only one service that we will have during Advent.

Mass Schedule
Welcome to Our Lady of Lavang
2023 PSA

Please respond generously to the PSA.

Your participation in the Pastoral Services Appeal makes a real and tangible impact on lives in our parishes, schools and communities. The very future of our faith depends on how we celebrate our blessings today and how we choose to share them. Please respond generously to the PSA. Thank you and God Bless.

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Emergency Hotline:  (714) 454-8430


Our parish has monthly Baptism for Children (bilingual Vietnamese-English), from 7 years old and under, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM, every Sunday in the second week of each month.

Mass Schedule

Saturday: 6:00PM (Vietnamese & English)
Sunday: 4:00PM Youth (English)



Download form and things to do before wedding at Our Lady of Lavang.


Please contact Our Lady of Lavang Office (714) 775-6200, or our administrator Toma Kiet Pham.


GX Our Lady of La Vang live stream Mass schedule:

Vietnamese Mass: 8:30AM (Mon-Fri) Spanish Mass: 8:30AM (Fri) Vietnamese Mass: 8:00AM (Sat) Sunday Mass: 8:30AM

Thank you to all who joined the online Mass at Our Lady of La Vang Church in Santa Ana, California. Please support the parish by donating at https://ourladyoflavang.org/give Or send your contribution to: Our Lady of La Vang 288 S Harbor Blvd, Santa Ana, CA 92704

You can text your donation amount to (844) 953-0566. elf bars 600 in Ireland elevates your vaping experience beyond with sleek design and satisfying flavors. Discover the joy of vaping!

Sunday, December 15, 2024

This weekend’s Gospel continues the narrative of John the Baptist's ministry as part of the larger fulfill-ment of God's promise of salvation. While the crowds come to him for baptism, John offers them practi-cal guidance on repentance and what it means to live a transformed life in preparation for the coming of the Lord. He reminds them that repentance is not only merely feeling remorseful, confessing sins, or do-ing some verbal act of contrition, but also an active, outward, and sincere commitment to righteousness, justice, and charity. It involves their love to God in action, their compassionate care to others, and their spiritual growth in the daily life In his message, John the Baptist also challenges the crowds to live with integrity, discipline, and love before receiving some eternal consequences because of their wrong free choices and sinful actions. Though his message contains a warning, it is ultimately filled with hope when John points toward the greater work that Jesus will accomplish. As both Judge and Savior, Jesus will bap-tize His people with the Holy Spirit and give them the power to live righteously. Through Him, divine grace and forgiveness will be made available to all, strengthening all and transforming all to become in-struments of His love in the world. 

My brothers and sisters in Christ, 

In his reflection on Advent, Pope John Paul II used to say, “The liturgy of Advent… helps us to under-stand fully the value and meaning of the mystery of Christmas. It is not just about commemorating the historical event which occurred some 2,000 years ago in a little village of Judea. Instead, it is necessary to understand that the whole of our life must be an ‘advent,’ a vigilant awaiting of the final coming of Christ. To predispose our mind to welcome the Lord who, as we say in the Creed, one day will come to judge the living and the dead, we must learn to recognize him as present in the events of daily life. Therefore, Ad-vent is, so to speak, an intense training that directs us decisively toward him who already came, who will come, and who comes continuously.” Therefore, as John the Baptist calls us to live our faith through tan-gible actions, we must ask ourselves whether we are willing to put our faith into practice in ways that re-flect the values of God's Kingdom. In a world marked by inequality and injustice, we must reflect on whether we are committed to building healthier families, nurturing stronger communities, and transform-ing better society through love, unity, justice, and righteousness. As we await the coming of Jesus, we must consider if we are truly ready to embrace the need for repentance, renewal, and reconciliation with God. Baptized with the Holy Spirit, we are called to ask ourselves if we are willing to become God's in-struments of justice, peace, and love not just during this Advent season, but for the rest of our lives. 

Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ and Our Lady of La Vang! 

Reverend Kiet Anh Ta.


All Saints' Day Vigil Thursday 10/31/2024 7:00PM  ‘ All Souls' Day Saturday 11/2/2024 8:00AM Trilingual Mass 


Throughout the month of November we will be praying for all the faithful departed and for all their loved ones who have passed away. Envelopes are available in the Office or on the table at the entrance of the Church. You may also bring your pictures to put on the...


During the month of October we will be counting all the parishioners who attend Mass. This information is requested by The Diocese of Orange annually. Thank you. 

Office Closed

The Church office will be closed on Monday, September 30. 


We would like to express our gratitude to all the minis-tries and volunteers who help us in the Dedication of the Marian Shrine day. May the Lord, through the inter-cession of the Lady of La Vang, bless you and your family. 

Mass Schedule


Monday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Tuesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Wednesday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Thursday 8:30 am: Spanish
Friday 8:30 am: Vietnamese


Saturday 8:00 am: Vietnamese
Saturday 6:00 pm : Vietnamese & English


Sunday 6:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 8:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 10:30 am: Vietnamese
Sunday 12:30 pm: Spanish
Sunday 4:00 pm: English (Youth)
Sunday 6:00 pm: Vietnamese
